Peaceful image after drug and alcohol abuse has been arrested

Intervention Services

Professional Intervention:

It's crucial to recognize that every intervention is distinct, with the approach tailored to the individual's circumstances and family dynamics. Enlisting the expertise of a professional interventionist guarantees a well-managed, secure, and effective process. Their involvement ensures a supportive environment, encouraging the individual struggling with addiction to seek help and embark on the journey to recovery.

Assessment: Prior to the intervention, a thorough assessment will be completed to understand the individual's and the family's needs. This involves taking into account various aspects of your loved one's current behavior and any preexisting health conditions. The aim is to ensure that proceeding with an intervention, and determining the appropriate type of intervention, is tailored to set them up for success.

Planning: Collaborate with family members to plan the intervention, considering logistics and how to create a supportive environment. Most importantly, helping to choose a group of influential and compassionate individuals, usually comprised of family members and close friends, to participate in the intervention.

Education: In the education phase, the interventionist shares key information about addiction, its consequences, and available treatment options. This empowers the family to make informed decisions for their loved one's recovery journey.

Goal Setting: Working closely with the family, the interventionist plays a crucial role in setting explicit boundaries and outlining specific goals for the intervention. These goals are not only clear but also collectively agreed upon by the entire team. The intention is to present a united front, sending a compelling and impactful message to their loved one. This collaborative approach ensures a cohesive and supportive environment throughout the intervention, enhancing the effectiveness of the overall process.

Establishing Loving Limits: In the process of assisting with boundary-setting, the interventionist collaborates with the family to establish clear guidelines and consequences if the individual resists treatment. This involves a thoughtful discussion about the behaviors and actions that will be considered acceptable and those that will not be tolerated. The interventionist helps the family articulate these boundaries in a firm yet supportive manner, emphasizing the importance of consistency. Additionally, there's a focus on outlining specific consequences that will follow if the individual chooses not to engage in the recommended treatment. This clarity ensures that the family is prepared to uphold these boundaries, creating a structured and accountable environment that promotes the individual's understanding of the significance of seeking help.

Treatment Proposal: In outlining the treatment proposal, the interventionist presents a straightforward plan that emphasizes the need for professional help. This involves providing a clear overview of the recommended treatment and support services tailored to your loved ones needs. The goal is to highlight the importance of seeking professional help in the recovery journey, ensuring a concise and compelling roadmap for your loved ones path to healing.

Family Intervention for drug and alcohol abuse